Letter from the President

To All Members of the NZACA


Firstly let me start by thanking the Gisborne Surfcasting Club, and especially Karla Tardieu, for running a fantastic and very successful Nationals. I would also like to thank all our sponsors for this event. Thanks also to all those who attended. Your behaviour and conduct was exemplary and I was very proud to be associated with you all. The fun, competition and camaraderie is the main reason I go to the NZACA Nationals and this year’s event lived up to my expectations. To those of you who did not attend, you missed a great week and I encourage you all to make the trip to Papamoa next year. The more the merrier!!

As your new President let me start by thanking you all for having enough confidence in me to be your President. I will try very hard to live up to that confidence. We, the executive of the NZACA, have a hard road ahead of us if we wish to bring the Association into the future as a strong identity in the world of recreational fishing. It will not be easy, but I have full confidence in the executive to continue on with the great work done by Brent Rolston, our prior President, and the executive of the last two years. I ask that all of the members of the NZACA continue to give support to your executive as you have done in the past.

Already people have been talking to me and giving me their opinions as to what direction they think the Association should take. Of course not all suggestions will be the thoughts of the majority but I do think that it is VERY IMPORTANT that you do get to have your say. The common thread so far seems to be communication or lack of. Can I please remind you all that communication is a two way street. Yes we need to communicate with you as our members, but you also need to communicate with us!!  If you have ANY ideas, questions or suggestions please do not hesitate to contact me. I have included my email address and phone numbers below, so please keep your thoughts coming. We the executive are there to look after YOUR best interests, so we need to know what you want.

Can I please ask that ALL clubs email me with an up to date list of their committee’s with contact numbers and email addresses so we can ensure that any information will get through to the correct people to distribute information to their club members. This does not mean that you, as a club member and member of the Association, cannot contact me directly if you want. My door is always open to all members of the NZACA.

Again thank you all for your on-going support and I look forward to helping the NZACA grow into the future.

Kind Regards

Paul Peetoom


06 3287035
027 2241616


About Paul

My name is Paul Peetoom and I live in Colyton, just outside Feilding on a small lifestyle block with my wife Raewyn and a small menagerie of animals.

During the week I work as the Lower North Island District Sales Manger for a large Multi-National chemical company. When not at work I indulge in my passion for the great outdoors by fishing, hunting and duck shooting. I joined the Feilding Surfcasting Club 9 years ago and have been heavily involved with the club activities since, and have competed in the NZACA Nationals since 2006. In 2010 I joined the Executive Committee of the NZACA and am very proud to have been elected this year as President of this fantastic organisation. My passion for recreational fishing and the chance to help the NZACA continue the great work it does to represent Surfcasting Clubs around the country is a challenge I look forward to over my three year tenure at the helm. I encourage all recreational surf casters to join a local club and enjoy the camaraderie and friendships that joining a club brings. Visit the NZACA website to find your nearest club. See you on the beach!!




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