Resource, Think Tank and Advisory Group Formed

Some of the Life Members of the NZACA, together with others who have had long association with the Organisation or are experienced in recreational fishing matters, have formed themselves into a more formalized but loosely structured group.

The purpose of this group is three-fold, being :-

  1. To register itself as a “club” with the NZACA to so enable it to be in receipt of communications sent out to NZACA Clubs, and to attend and exercise a club vote at AGM’s.

  2. To offer the experience, knowledge and abilities of the members of the group to the Executive of the NZACA to use as felt appropriate. To be a “think tank” for new ideas and proposals offering opinions on such whether they be positive or negative.

  3. To be available to NZACA Clubs and Members if such would like opinions or thoughts on any particular matter from the group, and generally assist such as required so they can fully participate in the NZACA and all that it offers.

Whilst it is acknowledged that there has been some real difficulties and communication problems and issues between members of this group and the Executive in the past, we believe the time has come when such needs to be put behind us and together go forward to ensure that the NZACA firstly survives and then adapts itself to meet the demands and needs of the recreational fishing world of today.

The group is not against change and agrees that change should be an ongoing happening so that the Association keeps up with the changing needs, roles and purposes required. However change needs to be managed and be done giving the opportunity for full communication and backing of the total membership if such wish to become so involved. The NZACA is an “association’ of clubs and people, and as a group we feel we would like to be part of such and feel we have something to offer and contribute if the opportunity was there to do so.

On behalf of the founding members of the group

Graeme Dawber
July 2014

From the President

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHi Everyone, I am planning to put out a flyer type Newsletter once a Month.
Just to give you all an update on what is happening around the Country with fishing, our Clubs and at the Executive level.

So let’s start with the Facebook page (New Zealand Angling and Casting News & Chat).
We now have almost twelve hundred Members and it is great to see some great photos and info turning up. There has been so much spectacular fishing all around the country of late and none more so than the far north.
We truly have to learn to appreciate exactly what we have as a country. This page is also being used to keep you all updated on anything happening on a day to day basis.

I must extend a huge appreciation to Jim Mikoz, of the Wellington Surfcasting & Angling Club, along with one of our Life Members, Brian Palmer, for their efforts in putting in Submissions regarding the Iron Mining
off the Taranaki Coast. It is also a great relief that the Proposal was rejected by the Enviromental Board. Fantastic.

Last Month I had the pleasure of visiting the Wellington Club. I was grilled regarding all aspects of the NZACA. The Association as a whole, the Nationals and where we were wanting to go. To be fair, this was exactly what I was wanting and didn’t expect anything less. It generates good feedback and we get to know who and what we are dealing with on both sides of the fence. I had previously gate crashed the Fielding AGM and received a great welcome and appreciated
the time to address those present. Some time in October I am heading up north to speak to the Auckland and far north Clubs but I am hoping to get across to the New Plymouth area prior to this and I am also the Guest Speaker at the Western Bays Surf Casting Club AGM.

Our 2015 Nationals are being finalised but I can say, if you are not already aware, the dates are 8 th to the 11th April 2015.
This immediately follows the Easter break and incorporates the School Holidays. More on this will follow.
Funding. We are in the process of replacing much of the Assets of the Association and are seeking Funding through various Charities. To date we have had one succeed and this was for the purchase of a Hospitality Tent.
This was not our first priority but simply the first successful application.

Well that is all for this moment. Please support your Clubs, enjoy your fishing and stay safe.

Jim Yeoman (Yoey)
President NZACA

Merry Xmas

Paul, Tessa, Yoey and Brent, along with the full Executive wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May you take this time to enjoy the company of your families and loved ones.
Travel safe and we look forward to seeing you all back on a beach in 2014.

Snapper 1 Submissions

The NZACA will be making Submissions re the Snapper 1 fishery aligned with the NZ Recreational Fishing Council. This gives us a bigger voice and we are recognised by the High Court. Several members of the Executive have already made Submissions

Nationals 2014

The seven strong Sub Committeee have asked to delay the final draught until Thursday the 1st August. This has been accepted for fair reason. The overall concept has been sorted, there are just some small details that need adjusting. The final draught and Nationals Competition details will be released very soon.