
To all our Casters and those others who would like to participate.
We are casting this coming weekend in Rotorua, 14th – 15th July. There have been some changes. We wont be continuing the Okuma 6×6 Challenge at this point. We have had some good feedback regarding this and while one would have thought it would surround the limited numbers who could take this out, this is not the leading issue. Cost of travel and accommodation involved to attend six events is the biggest matter affecting those interested in participating.
So we need to re evaluate how we run this event as there are many who are keen to make this happen. Also we owe it to Okuma to keep their name promoted.
Saturday we are wanting to offer tuition to anyone wanting to learn better technique even if it is just for your fishing and then on Sunday we will get into some good old throwing lead long distances down the court.
Everyone is welcome, even if it is to take a peek at what “Lead Heads” do

Nationals 2019



2019 “Okuma” NZACA nationals


This letter is being sent to all NZACA affiliated clubs informing them of developments for the 2019 NZACA nationals.



The 2019 NZACA nationals are being held in Northland from the 7th – 9th March. The nationals are being hosted by the NZACA executive and the 90 Mile Surfcasting Club. The headquarters and weigh-in for the nationals will be based at the 90 Mile Beach Holiday Park at Waipapakauri. This will also be the venue for the NZACA AGM held at 4pm on Thursday afternoon.



As with past nationals there will be the following sections competed for. Dry casting, land based and boat. Within these sections will be various categories, but not as many as in previous years.


The boundaries for the 2019 nationals will be north of a line from the Northern entrance to the Hokianga Harbour on the West coast to the Northern entrance to Whananaki Harbour on the East coast. Within these boundaries all areas of private access will not be included. This includes Great Exhibition Bay.



The entry cost will be $25 for senior NZACA members and free for Juniors and Midget’s. For all non NZACA members who want to attend it will be $10 extra. There will be no prize giving dinner included in this price.There will be a meal available to purchase though.



The eligible fish species for boat and shore are as follows. Snapper, Trevally, Kahawai, Kingfish and John Dory.



There will be some average weight prizes awarded including $1000 for the average weight Snapper sponsored by the Yeoman Family.


If any club has any queries regarding the upcoming 2019 “Okuma” nationals please do not hesitate to contact any of the below.


Rick and Lynn Hymers. 06 3078020.


Gary Whitaker. 027 240 1685


Dave Davies. 021 130 3224





Hello one and all,

Following on from some interesting feedback that indicated some believe the Association exists to run a National Competition and administer records only, I am going to pester everyone for how you believe we can better represent our membership which continues to grow.

Before I go on, let me clarify the membership of the association. There are 26 affiliated clubs or entities. There are four others I have a foot in the door with, three in regard to re affiliation and affiliation in relation to the other. We are the fastest growing body in NZ at the moment.

Back to the point of my post. Bettering the Association is and has always been high on my list of responsibilities. To represent and provide better, we need feedback. Please say what you feel needs to be said.

Email these to either: or

National Awards and Masters. I urge fishers to understand these and participate. Of fourteen annual Awards we give out an average of four. All are acheivable and all should be contested for.

Lastly, I have an intention to visit as many of our affiliated clubs or even those interested in joining us, throughout the next few months. I start tonight in Feilding.


Jim Yeoman

President NZACA


There has been some feedback on what the NZACA should be doing for its members. What is a little surprising is that some believe we were instituted to run a National Competition and keep Records only.
Actually there are 19 Objectives, most of which are the same as the NZ Sport Fishing Council. The leading of these are:
i) To encourage, promote and develop the sport of angling & casting throughout NZ as applied to all forms of fresh and salt water fishing

ii) To organise, encourage and promote the formation of amateur fishing clubs and to develop better fellowships and closer comradeship amongst amateur fishers

iii) To promote the conservation of the recreational fishery and associated environment

iv) To encourage the observance of laws governing the recreational fishery and to work with the appropriate Authorities to implement them and to likewise argue for the amendment or elimination of any law that is not in the best interests of the association and its members.

v) To monitor Government, commercial and non commercial user groups and act in accordance of the objectives and the wishes of the membership.

vi) To affiliate to any NZ or International body by which affiliation fosters the objectives of the association.

We meet all these obligations with a fullness that benefits our membership to the best it can be met. The NZ Angling & Casting Association is representing its members at the highest level and alongside those other recreational bodies that have the same interests in our fisheries as we do.
Those objectives not mentioned like National and International obligations, Record keeping, recognition of effort and catch awards, and the general management of the Association are met equally as well.
As we enter our new Financial year now is the time to ask, do we want our club to be represented at the highest level. 27 of New Zealand’s leading clubs do. Join them.


Over the past two weeks, I have had advice that the Executive and I need to do more to prove why and show what we offer clubs that would entice them to be part of the Association. I believe that we, as a group, are offering far more than has been presented to the membership for a long, long time. In Professionalism, Advocacy, rewards and Sponsorship. However that is not to say we can’t offer more in each area.


Soon we will be putting it out to everyone, Affiliated and non affiliated Clubs, members of those clubs, to tell us what it is that you feel we or where we need to step up. What we are not doing and I am also aware there are some who have issues with the leadership so don’t feel afraid to say that. I would appreciate that comments have supporting reasons as to why you feel the way you do.

We can only improve if we have some honest opinion.