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IMPORTANT: PLEASE LOOK AT ANY EMAILS REQUESTING MONEY THAT APPEAR TO COME FROM ME. Someone is using the NZACA address book and requesting money. These do not come from my email address, President@nzaca.co.nz but another one  completely different.


Jim Yeoman



Hello everyone,

That time of year has come around again. It seems to arrive much quicker as they years go by.

2017 has been a very good year for the NZACA. We have had a new club join us. They have just gone over the 100 membership mark and that is a huge achievement in this day and age. We have another club going through the Affliation process at the moment and I am looking forward to the new year as I have had some great news of yet another new club joining us with their 70 members and we are talking with several others.

We have several accomodation providers that have joined us by offering discounted stays for those staying two or more days, we have our Clubplus Power offer, our comprehensive $2million Public Liability Insurance offer to our clubs for the small price of $57.50 incl. GST and of course our securing of Okuma as our Major Sponsor. Their package of $3000 plus $1000 of product is a beginning. The NZACA will end 2017 very financially secure and our asset base is just as impressive. The securing of a $5000 Grant to assist in having our alignment and management within the wider fisheries management, including being in attendance at the highest level can only increase the relevance of our organisation.

Over the year we have represented our members at every opportunity. Putting together solid submissions, attending the “Future of Our Fisheries” meetings and also meeting with the Committee put together by the Government to finalise the report. We participated in the recent Randall Bess, NZ Intitative, “Future Catch” right up to attendeing the presentation to the new Minister of Fisheries, Stuart Nash, in Wellington. We have taken up action on behalf of our members in issues such as Fisheries Mangement, Stock levels, Deep Sea Iron ore extraction, effluent in streams, spoil disposal, toxic waste, access rights,  down to Fishing Comp Rules. We take our place at the NZ Sport Fishing Council’s Fisheries Management Sub Committee and meet regularly with the LegaSea Team. I continue to be impressed by the highest of standards that this whole group bring to every level they operate in. I would like to thank everyone from the NZ Sport Fishing Council and LegaSea for your support and continued alignment with the NZACA. I must mention Sam Woolford who has been instrumental in us getting both Okuma and our Grant across the line. The hugest of thanks.

So here we are, closing in on the day the big man comes down the chimney.

I would like to take this time to say thank you for your continued support. For the efforts you have all put in to keep your clubs afloat and to those who take those leadership roles. Congratulations to all those who have grown, those that have held fantastic Fishing Comps for the public and without exception each and everyone of my Executive, which has grown by the way.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and may 2018 be the year you all dream of. Stay safe over the festive season. Tight lines and maybe we will meet on beach somewhere.

Jim Yeoman





And our strength continues to grow. I would like to let you all know that Derrick Paul along with Rick and Lyn Hymers are taking positions on the NZACA Executive. Derrick is the Editor of the NZ Fisher Magazine and is not new to the ACA Executive. Rick and Lynn are part of the force that has taken the Palliser Bay Surfcasting Club to over 100 members. Welcome aboard our leadership committee. I must also thank  Craig Boyes for his support in bringing our obligations to the Incorporated Societies into line.
This news along with our solid Financial and Asset position, released to Affiliated clubs last night, has proven the Association is well on the right track.
These fantastic results only happen with your support. Thank you Team ACA.


Future Catch Report

On Monday evening I travelled to Wellington and attended the Dr Randall Bess’ presentation of his final paper for the NZ Initiative regarding “The Future Catch” to the Minister of Fisheries, the Hon. Stuart Nash.


Let me start with one of the questions raised by Jeff Simmons of Gareth Morgan’s TOP Party. It was quite direct and put to Bob Gutsell, Vice President of the NZ Sport Fishing Council. It was in line with Bob’s assertion that the Minister must have the final discretion as to how our fish stocks are allocated. “ He challenged Bob as to whether he really could rely on the so called 600,000 recreational fishers to back the Council if there was a need take an issue to the Minister. Today looking at facebook, listening to the radio and also television, I am wishing I had challenged him to give it a go. You do not attack the recreational fishers of New Zealand.


The room had more than its share of MPI and Industry along with a noticeable amount of well dressed non fishers. MPI and Industry at us again, how unususal.


I had read the report from start to finish and have to admit it was a hard read. Especially when I was left more than a little angry and very disappointed in the whole section that attacked LegaSea. It was all emotive rhetoric and had no validity. I was in the room when the so called “Brag” was made. In the room when most of the statements Bess mischievously refers to actually. I cannot, in all fairness comprehend how he lowered himself to report it that way and told him so. It was a huge distraction. As I commented to him, you almost had me across the line on some of your opinion but you have lost me at this time.


As for the report overall. I have to be quite clear in that there is so much of this report that could have some merit. I say that, tongue in cheek, The reason being, while many are looking and reading too much into some of the recommendations, my personal belief is there is no benefit to get involved at all in any of it. Sure, if there is to be a “Peak Body” sometime in the future, the NZ Angling & Casting need to be there. Proportionality is a no go no matter what supposed safety net gets put in place. There is no place for the recreational allocation to become part of QMS. I truly feel that this is Industry driven and those Industry leaders in attendance certainly gave that impression.


Jeremy Helson, Fin Fish NZ, questioned the belief that recreational fishers had first right to stocks (that is after the sea itself and Customary entitlement) and Tim Pankhurst, Seafood NZ, asked when will the recreational sector take up catch reporting so that a figure can be put on their take. Well Tim, another poor effort from you and an attack on the work done by Bruce Hartill of NIWA and the comprehensive detail used to arrive at the total catch of me and mine. When Bob Gutsall responded with “it already is”, it was met with a “no it’s not” from someone in the front, well yes it is. Take some ownership of your own backyard Timmy and throwing your mess over the fence is not a solution.


I don’t support the majority of the report. By way of Bess’s own recorded attendances at his public meetings and NZ wide survey, it would seem no one does and today the majority are being just as vocal against it. I totally agree with Sir Mark Solomon that the only way forward is to have all parties in the room and thrash out a solution. The current problem with that is, Industry will not accept any hurt and will not give anything that may mean losing what they see as a right.



I feel the Minister has a grasp on what will be of the highest benefit to all and will rule accordingly.


In conclusion, could have been, should have been, for all the money spent. NZ Initiative you commissioned it, you own it.

Executive meeting

While I will leave the detail of our Executive meeting to the Secretary, there are some pieces of fantastic news to share.

Firstly, I was humbled to receive a donation of $250 from the Feilding Surfcasting Club in acknowledgement of the work that we are putting in to take the NZACA out to the wider communities. I cannot express my gratitude enough for this gift and recognition. Thank you so much Feilding.

Secondly. We were successful and have received a Grant that will also enable us to continue with our work on engagement more comfortably. This funding of $5000 along with OKuma, our new Sponsors cash on the table of $3000 and the contribution from Feilding has been reward for the time and effort that has been put in to grow the NZACA.

With many organisations struggling to hold their numbers, three and a half years ago with nine clubs to the twenty seven we have today and one more to be confirmed, we are an exception. Not only that but we have been instrumental in creating the largest combined Recreational group of inshore ocean users. We have aligned with the NZ Sport Fishing Council and have a place at the table of their lobby group LegaSea. We have taken our place at Submission meetings, have contributed to those submissions and have our Logo at the head of some of the most comprehensive submissions put to Government. We are at the table when discussing our fisheries and the management of them with Ministry and we will continue to involve ourselves in all matters of fishery management. Investment is valuable and in time it brings rewards. We are starting to reconise and receive that.

I must make mention of a concern. With the work of Dr Randall Bess and the NZ Initiative regarding the future of our fisheries and the mangement of, one issue that has or is raising its ugly head. Yes, I agree there is a need for a peak body representing Recreational fishers but I cannot accept all these entities, several of which have been in the wilderness or statutorially defunct for years, that are now crawling out of the woodwork and putting their hands up. A mistake and typical of our sector. It cannot work with this attitude. There are two leaders, the NZ Sport Fishing Council and the NZ Angling & Casting Association. Whatever has been thrown our way we are there and have been continuously for over 60years. Nothing else come close. I am not saying that either of us need to be the “Peak Body” but we must be involved in deciding who takes any chair. It must not be a decission made outside our sector

In saying that, if your club is not affiliated to either, then it needs to happen. You have two choices, have a voice or take what you are given. If you are not a member of a club, join one and join one affiliated to one of the two national bodies. Make it happen.