
I have to admit that there are times I don’t entirely agree with the thoughts of Graham Carter, Editor of the Fishing and Outdoors newspaper but I must congratulate him on his well written and very accurate summation of the situation, that appears on the front page of the latest issue. His article is exactly as I have found it during the meetings and the investigations I have been involved in. The whole situation is scandalous. You need to read it to fully understand just how bizarre the management of Fisheries has become.

Before any of the Commercial Fishers start thinking this is another bashing, let me assure you it isn’t. It is completely about the management of your resource. You need to be as deeply involved in getting this right as much as the Recreational sector. More so in fact, it is your livelihood.

This Fisheries Review that is currently being carried out has to be one of the biggest disappointments/ farces going and totally appears to be, to quote Pink Floyd, Another Brick in the Wall. The meeting I attended last week on behalf of our members and stepping up for every “Hurl & Hope” fisho, all quarter of a million of you, give or take and to be given 30 minutes to present a case or valued opinion was shameful. I have been accused of being arrogant, aggressive and abusive, well go figure. I’m into telling it like it is and luckily, this time, I didn’t have time to get into any of the three. On the other side of the table were four prominent New Zealanders. Not appearing as a Technical Advisory Group as was supposed, far from it. More like a tick the boxes and get back to me group.

A leader, who holds some esteem with me, a little out of his depth here. One member who could tell you how many fly spots were on the ceiling such was his interest in being in the room. A Rec Rep who was ok that we only get 30 min to present a sound case, one other member, ex Industry, along with the only one who I felt had any understanding, a woman who knows how the QMS works.

How can we make it better. The QMS needs to be overhauled. There needs to be an indepth enquiry (Royal Commission) into the MPI Fisheries Division and the way they have been operating.
Get over trying to incorporate Rec allocation into the QMS, its not going to happen.
The Rec Sector catch summary is pretty dam accurate so get over mandatory self reporting of catch, it wont work. Time would be better spent on fixing what is broke and that is a very poorly managed New Zealand inshore fishery.
Of all things, start listening to the people. There are 700,000 Rec fishers in this country. There are three Organisations within this sector that are stepping up. The Ministry need to acknowledge them and engage. I still cannot believe we were accused of not engaging by those at the table last week. We will engage but certainly not with those running around the country making malicious statements. Get rid of the so called Rec Fishing Initiative. It is just another geo- political wing of the Ministry. Engage with them at your peril.

Once again read that article and try not to bite your nails

Jim Yeoman


Spring has arrived, the Moki have appeared around the reefs of Hawkes Bay, a few Snapper are being caught in the BOP and also on the West coast. Mr Browning has nabbed a few fat Gurnard in the north. Let’s believe we are in for a great Summer of fishing. Hopefully the East Coast shake ups wont affect the fishing too much.

The new NZACA Trailer has rolled off the assembly line and I am picking it up today. This is a closed in beast that will allow us to transport our gear around the country. It will also help in lifting our profile once it has been sign written. Our thanks to the Lion Foundation for their support in obtaining this.

It is with huge pleasure that I welcome the Wairoa/Nth Clyde Surfcasting Club and the Te Atatu Fishing Club back into the NZACA after a two year break. This news, following the affiliation of the Canterbury Surfcasting Club and the Western Bays Surfcasting Clubs decision to stay afloat and Affiliated is huge reward and extremely pleasing. We continue to grow and improve our relevance in the Recreational fishing industry. This growth is more significant than many realise, in that many of those representative Recreational groups are working collectively in raising the many issues that surround the NZ fisheries. This initiative is something I am very proud to be part of. In two weeks time I am attending the NZ Sport Fishing Council’s AGM on our members behalf. The openness, the participation and the leadership I have been welcomed into from this entire group is huge and has helped me lift my game to a new high.
This leads me on to LegaSea. Just recently I have read a few posts, on various media outlets, that infer, Info and statements, made by LegaSea, are made off the cuff and are made on an us and them basis.
Here is my opinion as the President of the NZ Angling & Casting Association.
Not so, not on any level. The investigations and studies done, to back any statements, Submissions or accusations made, are substantial and in depth. Where all sides are considered. The understanding of Law, Fisheries Legislation, the fishery, fish stocks etc. is at a level second to none. Those that come through the door and sit at the table include Ministers, Iwi Leaders, Government officials and other leaders in many fishery fields. I have had the pleasure and sometimes not so pleasurable opportunities to sit at the table with some of these leaders. I have witnessed, first hand, the comprehensiveness that each issue is investigated and challenged on. I hold each and every member of this group and the NZ Sport Fishing Council’s, Fisheries Management Team in the highest regard and respect.

The Executive have received a letter of request, asking for a Special General Meeting. We will discuss at our meeting on the 24th September and I am confident we will accept this. Details and date will follow but at this stage, this relates to a more solid management system. I would ask Clubs to have Delegates available to attend.

Further to this, our Nationals Committee have provided us with a very positive and exciting proposal for the 2017 Nationals in Wellington. This event is also the celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the NZACA so I am looking for each and every Club to have members in attendance. The time to start planning is now.

Meantime, tight lines, enjoy our coming Summer.

MPI Request

Hello all,

With the recent turmoil over the message regarding engaging with MPI and the follow up message from myself advising that this is not the Executives recommendation, rather than being percieved as being dictatorial, censoring or disrespectful of those sending or those requesting they be sent, let me address the reasons we have taken this position at this moment.

  1. I was advised of this initiative by Mr Dave Turner, Director of Fisheries, MPI, earlier last year at a closed meeting in Napier. The ACA, through me, has been contacted by Mr Marty Bowers and I followed that up with a phone call to discuss this and received a overview of the intiative. So the NZACA has made contact.
  2. As discussed, with Mr Bowers, at the time, there was still much to do before they would be moving forward with this and engaging. The Executive discussed this and decided that we would not put it to the membership until we received the appropriate paperwork.
  3. We still haven’t had this. I am of the belief that, as of today, the parameters, the Brief or for that matter, a notice of intent have still not been decided or issued. I am of the opinion that this request to engage is premature.
  4. MPI are obliged to follow correct procedure. The process is incomplete
  5. Further. Re the advice in the email “To discuss a Shared Fishery”. Without a clear understanding of the actual meaning of this, it is a dangerous discussion to enter and has many consequences, some very detrimental to the Recreational fishers of NZ.  Not being disrespectful as there are many of you, who will have an understanding of this but there a many more who won’t. Why does it need to be taken to single fishermen. Lastly. The statement “So that the correct message is getting down to the grass roots level” is an outright slight on the integrity and honesty of the Executive you have voted to represent you.

Rather than being involved in the actions refered to in my opening, I believe the Executive have been responsible in protecting your interests by requiring the correct details are received before advising the membership. Also we have never said not to engage. We have forwarded an opinion only and are clear that should you wish to engage with this group, that is your entirely your choice.

thank you

Jim Yeoman

President NZACA

QMS Review

I’ve just spent the last few days in Auckland in the company of the NZ Sport Fishing Councils, Fisheries Management team and LegaSea group. The purpose. I was interested to get a feel on what the Ministry were actually intending with the Quota Management System Revue and just how comprehensive it will be. These groups were meeting with the Review Group led by Andy Hill. The NZ Angling & Casting Association has this same opportunity to put forward our thoughts and this will happen on the 19th November. It was for this reason that I felt it was best to be prepared, to get a feel for the intention and to take in how a bigger organisation tackles this, what I call, a once in a lifetime opportunity.
I can report, without doubt, the Review is to be very comprehensive, with nothing off the table apart from anything regarding Customary and Treaty. Clearly this is our chance (our being the Recreational fishers) to put our views on the failings, ideals or greats of the QMS. It is always humbling to sit in such meetings, surrounded by people with incredible knowledge on almost every aspect of the NZ Fishery. The understanding, continual referral to detail, facts and law can leave one in awe. I have learnt so much and all for the better of our own organisation. This meeting allowed for some input from me but, more so, allowed me a better insight as to what we need to be tabling at our opportunity.
I know I have said this many times before but having been involved in my role as President over the last nineteen months, being part of such meetings as this and others, also being involved with LegaSea HB re the Hawkes Bay fishery negotiations, I urge all clubs to affiliate to a National body. Contrary to the CEO of Sanford’s opinion, it “IS” our right to fish, they are “OUR” fish. So that you can do that, you need to support those that are stepping up and protecting those rights.
The Review offers the opportunity for you all to participate by going on line or attending a public roadshow. By their own admission, some of the wording in the questions is not the best, I believe a little leading but if you do take this opportunity, please be responsible and productive in your responses.
As an aside, it is always great to meet our Facebook members when I am out on my travels, this trip was one of those occasions.