News & Chat

Hello Everyone,

These last couple of months have been a quiet cruise for the Executive. Not that we have been idle, it’s just that we have the Association running rather smoothly. This was reflected in our last Executive meeting where we dealt with a comprehensive list of items in under two hours.The Executive have several items that we will apply for funding to purchase. These items are listed in the latest Executive minutes.

In the month of September, I attended the NZ Sport Fishing Council’s AGM. There is plenty happening in the area of alignment with many groups representing the clubs involved in the Recreational Industry. Just on this, as a whole we need to realise that the recreational sector is an industry and we need to present ourselves as such. The Southwick Study currently being conducted will soon be completed and the results available. This study is to value the economic return from recreational fishing to the Governments coffers. Back to the AGM. This was another valuable exercise in promoting our relevance. Once again I was given the opportunity to address the delegates and this was met with respect and appreciation.

Since our last News & Chat, I have met with Commercial and MPI, as part of the LegaSea Hawkes Bay Team, regarding the Hawkes Bay Fishery. These meetings are progressing well with some positive negotiating points on the table. We are meeting again in November with the first restraint put in place almost immediately.

The Nationals Team have been working away behind the scenes laying the groundwork for our 2016 Nationals in the far north. We intend to bring all those attending, an event to equal or better any of those held in the past. It is great to see so many Clubs working on raising funds to get as many of their members up there as they can.

We have recognised that, though we have a quality Certificate for those who catch a record fish, it is not so for those setting NZ Casting Records. We have designed and had printed 3 quality gold Certificates for the following people. Betty Edwards, Peter Froggatt and Les Rackham. Betty and Les have theirs, Peters will be in the mail soon.

On the 19th August the Government announced a full review of the Quota Management System. This review will actually be more comprehensive than just the QMS. The NZACA has been approached for a one on one meeting with the group appointed to carry out this review and to offer our thoughts on the management of the fisheries. Another recognition of our rising relevance. We will be meeting during November.

We would like to welcome the Te Atatu Fishing Club to the NZACA. A past member, they have requested to rejoin us. Fantastic, it is great to have these clubs back on board and it is our pleasure to be representing them.

Finally. That little teaser I was refering to in my last post. The need for clubs to have Public Liability Insurance for the holding of events, such as Casting, caused us to look at ways we could be of assistance as your National body. We were looking to aid in covering the casting events. On behalf of the Executive I would like to announce that we have secured an unbelievable offer and a very comprehensive insurance cover. This will cover your club for all events, such as Casting, Competitions, Field Weekends and Meetings. The cost, a mere $50 plus GST. This gives your club full cover of $2 Million Public Liability   insurance for a total cost of $57.25

This Insurance is available under the cover held by the Association.

The Executive recognises those who have been loyal or who have taken up the offer of engaging with us and re affiliating.  Therefore this offer is for those clubs only. The offer will be available to those other clubs wishing to join us after a full year’s affiliation.

This is the result of a lot of negotiating and also the efforts of Mellissa Benge who has achieved the almost impossible. It also reflects the credibility of the NZACA.

Now get out and catch some of those fish. We thank you for your ongoing support.

Big News

Hi all, Just a little teaser to say, “Keep your eye on the messages” The Executive have big news to come. We will be making an announcement to our Affiliated Clubs later next week that we believe is awesome and just reward for your support.

Jim Yeoman


Exec meeting 19th Sept

A very good meeting of the Executive, in Gisborne, yesterday. It is great that we are operating very smoothly and our meetings are quick but constructive. In our continuation to bring benefits to our membership, we are close to a big announcement. One that will be a game changer for those Clubs affiliated. Just a couple of details to confirm but I can say that when you work hard for your membership and you achieve a result as comprehensive as this, it is hugely rewarding and makes the efforts worthwhile.
The Association has taken on board that whilst there is recognition for Fishing records and a very nice Certificate for such, there is nothing for those setting NZ Casting Records. We have duly awarded three. They go to Betty Edwards (ladies), Peter Froggatt (Mens) and Les Rackham UKSF/NZIR.These Certificates are awarded for Maximum Distances only and not for seperate catagories at this stage.
Seven months to go before we all hit the beaches in the far north at our 2016 Nationals. We have discussed some very exciting proposals to recognise the Top Club at this event. Fantastic support for this event from our membership already and it is shaping for an awesome event. Many clubs are fundraising hard out to get as many of their fishers along. One club has 31 already advised they will be attending. Who will match or beat them. It may well be worthwhile to take up the challenge.

Tapered Leaders

Tapered Leaders

The use of Tapered leaders for distance casting under International rules (FIPS) is not allowed. The International rules state Parallel leaders are to be used for line weights:  .25, .28, .31 and .35mm. This is the system used for World Casting Tournaments and most Governing Surfcasting and Casting  organisations in their respective countries. In accordance with international guidelines, braid cannot be used for distance casting either.

Many fisherman in New Zealand just want to cast with their fishing gear which includes their tapered leaders. The NZACA have now brought in a casting system which allows them to do just that. There are only 2 requirements:

1.       that the tapered leaders must be high vis so that if they snap off they can be easily found (so we don’t get in trouble from the grounds men)

2.       the mainline must be a minimum of .25mm (approx 10lb depending on the brand of line used)

This will give the general public and club members the opportunity to come along to an event and have a go without having to buy any special gear. Once someone can consistently cast over 170m they’ll need to step up to A grade (NZIR) which requires slightly different terminal gear to be used. Under the NZACA RULES, casters will be placed in grades (A, B & C) according to their average casting distance