NZ Angling & Casting News and Chat
Hello everyone,
With the 2015 Nationals complete and the AGM concluded one would think a breather would be the order of the day. I am sure it is coming but until all is signed off we will stick to the task. To date, all the results, AGM Draft Minutes and next years Nationals info has gone out to all Clubs. The Constitution has been rewritten with all the agreed changes included and now only needs signing off and sending to the Incorporated Societies and the IRD. An immense vote of thanks to my Senior VP, Karla for seeing these to conclusion. A massive effort.
Regarding the Nationals. Although once again not as well attended as one would wish but certainly a number that is reflective of the total membership, these Nationals were a great success. The interest, the keenness, the participation and the camaraderie were of the highest degree. The speed in which the results were attained was exceptional and with no errors to speak of. A testament to the girls involved in the whole process. The evening BBQ was the icing on the cake. This was supplied by the Association and went down well with the members who stayed on and enjoyed the socializing. Our new Hospitality tent was received as well as we expected, with many very positive comments.
To the 2015/16 year. Already we have one more Club re affiliate. Another club soon to do so and still another newly forming land based club who we have advised to wait until the end of May. There are other positives along the same lines already appearing on the horizon.
As already alluded to, the Association is promoting Competition Casting at a higher level. We wish these to be high quality events that encompass’s those that wish to cast their normal fishing set ups, to those of the elite Casters wishing to cast under International rules. We also wish to have those from the public to be involved so that they can see for themselves, the value and also enjoy the camaraderie that is shared amongst us. More to come very soon.
I have been asked to enlighten you all on what I mean by aligning the NZ Angling & Casting Association with the NZ Sports Fishing Council and also LegaSea. Firstly, the NZACA has and will always retain its own identity and space. We will operate and function as always and we are under no obligations to either of the other two organisations. By alignment, all that means, in this instance, is that we accept and support the same interests and manner in which we achieve them, in protecting our fisheries and our right to fish them. We will sit alongside them at the table when meeting with the Ministry and we will support each other in achieving the same common goals. By supporting and being involved in LegaSea, we have on hand the most amazing information and valuable detail to aid us in submissions and the like. I have received the most humbling support and mentoring from this group and believe it has helped me be a better person and President in many, many ways. Not only that, from this alignment, some incredible doors have been opened for the NZACA to go forward and grow.
As alluded to in my Presidents Report to the AGM, the Executive will be reviewing Trophies, Records, Application Forms, Membership Cards etc over the coming year and will report to all Clubs as we arrive at our conclusion of each issue for thoughts.
We welcome our new Secretary Nadia. Nadia has experience in working as a Secretary in sporting organisations and brings some quality to the NZACA. I trust you will all get to meet her along the way. We also welcome a very humble Gordon Jones, our new Patron for the NZ Angling & Casting Association. A man who has been involved for 50 plus years and no one could be more deserving than Gordon in holding this Honoured position.
The Executive are planning to bring the meetings to our regions throughout the year. Whilst our first one will be in Rotorua, our second one will be held in Auckland. This is so that we can give the opportunity to our members to join us and see how we manage your interests. It also gives us the chance to provide some quality speakers who are offering to be available to us. More to come, but keep an eye out for when we are visiting.
Once again thank you for your continued support. We are working hard for you on many fronts and all for the betterment of the Association.
Tight lines.