It is that time of year when most of our Affiliated Clubs and some who are on the fringes, are about to have their AGM’s. This brings new Committees and new direction. It is also the time when the question is asked who is the NZACA and why should we belong.
The NZ Angling & Casting Association is not all about a National Championship nor is it all about the promoting of and running quality Casting events both under NZACA and International Rules. It is not all about Records and trophies. It is not all about being representitive of our members in the protection of our fisheries and your rights as citizens of NZ to fish them nor the fact we are at the table with the ministry to have your questions answered. It is not all about bringing our members quality Sponsorship and rewards.
This organisation represents you at every level and does it so you can enjoy the rights you have to sit on our beaches and gather food that is ours to share. If your Club is Affiliated awesome, if not, look at joining us. The rewards are growing. For $10 per annum per member or 20c per week, the NZACA offers you strong and solid support, represents you at many tables, promotes great cammeraderie along with many opportunities to help your club grow.