QMS Review

I’ve just spent the last few days in Auckland in the company of the NZ Sport Fishing Councils, Fisheries Management team and LegaSea group. The purpose. I was interested to get a feel on what the Ministry were actually intending with the Quota Management System Revue and just how comprehensive it will be. These groups were meeting with the Review Group led by Andy Hill. The NZ Angling & Casting Association has this same opportunity to put forward our thoughts and this will happen on the 19th November. It was for this reason that I felt it was best to be prepared, to get a feel for the intention and to take in how a bigger organisation tackles this, what I call, a once in a lifetime opportunity.
I can report, without doubt, the Review is to be very comprehensive, with nothing off the table apart from anything regarding Customary and Treaty. Clearly this is our chance (our being the Recreational fishers) to put our views on the failings, ideals or greats of the QMS. It is always humbling to sit in such meetings, surrounded by people with incredible knowledge on almost every aspect of the NZ Fishery. The understanding, continual referral to detail, facts and law can leave one in awe. I have learnt so much and all for the better of our own organisation. This meeting allowed for some input from me but, more so, allowed me a better insight as to what we need to be tabling at our opportunity.
I know I have said this many times before but having been involved in my role as President over the last nineteen months, being part of such meetings as this and others, also being involved with LegaSea HB re the Hawkes Bay fishery negotiations, I urge all clubs to affiliate to a National body. Contrary to the CEO of Sanford’s opinion, it “IS” our right to fish, they are “OUR” fish. So that you can do that, you need to support those that are stepping up and protecting those rights.
The Review offers the opportunity for you all to participate by going on line or attending a public roadshow. By their own admission, some of the wording in the questions is not the best, I believe a little leading but if you do take this opportunity, please be responsible and productive in your responses.
As an aside, it is always great to meet our Facebook members when I am out on my travels, this trip was one of those occasions.

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