Spring has arrived, the Moki have appeared around the reefs of Hawkes Bay, a few Snapper are being caught in the BOP and also on the West coast. Mr Browning has nabbed a few fat Gurnard in the north. Let’s believe we are in for a great Summer of fishing. Hopefully the East Coast shake ups wont affect the fishing too much.

The new NZACA Trailer has rolled off the assembly line and I am picking it up today. This is a closed in beast that will allow us to transport our gear around the country. It will also help in lifting our profile once it has been sign written. Our thanks to the Lion Foundation for their support in obtaining this.

It is with huge pleasure that I welcome the Wairoa/Nth Clyde Surfcasting Club and the Te Atatu Fishing Club back into the NZACA after a two year break. This news, following the affiliation of the Canterbury Surfcasting Club and the Western Bays Surfcasting Clubs decision to stay afloat and Affiliated is huge reward and extremely pleasing. We continue to grow and improve our relevance in the Recreational fishing industry. This growth is more significant than many realise, in that many of those representative Recreational groups are working collectively in raising the many issues that surround the NZ fisheries. This initiative is something I am very proud to be part of. In two weeks time I am attending the NZ Sport Fishing Council’s AGM on our members behalf. The openness, the participation and the leadership I have been welcomed into from this entire group is huge and has helped me lift my game to a new high.
This leads me on to LegaSea. Just recently I have read a few posts, on various media outlets, that infer, Info and statements, made by LegaSea, are made off the cuff and are made on an us and them basis.
Here is my opinion as the President of the NZ Angling & Casting Association.
Not so, not on any level. The investigations and studies done, to back any statements, Submissions or accusations made, are substantial and in depth. Where all sides are considered. The understanding of Law, Fisheries Legislation, the fishery, fish stocks etc. is at a level second to none. Those that come through the door and sit at the table include Ministers, Iwi Leaders, Government officials and other leaders in many fishery fields. I have had the pleasure and sometimes not so pleasurable opportunities to sit at the table with some of these leaders. I have witnessed, first hand, the comprehensiveness that each issue is investigated and challenged on. I hold each and every member of this group and the NZ Sport Fishing Council’s, Fisheries Management Team in the highest regard and respect.

The Executive have received a letter of request, asking for a Special General Meeting. We will discuss at our meeting on the 24th September and I am confident we will accept this. Details and date will follow but at this stage, this relates to a more solid management system. I would ask Clubs to have Delegates available to attend.

Further to this, our Nationals Committee have provided us with a very positive and exciting proposal for the 2017 Nationals in Wellington. This event is also the celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the NZACA so I am looking for each and every Club to have members in attendance. The time to start planning is now.

Meantime, tight lines, enjoy our coming Summer.

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