A week of it.

Hi all,
I am back home after a week of putting the NZACA and our brand out there. Our NZACA Trailer followed me all the way and did draw some interest and conversation while it was out in the public.

After some quality mentoring at Almorah, Scott McIndoe of LegaSea’s domiciled office, Monday & Tuesday, I had a great meeting, on Wednesday morning, with Okuma and am happy to announce they have put some skin on the table and will be our Major Sponsor for the coming year. Our nationals will be, as they once were, called The NZACA Okuma Nationals. The package they are providing is substantial to our body and I would like to personally acknowledge the support of Scott, Sam Woolford and especially Marty Johannsen, Managing Director of CD Rods for getting this across the line. To say I am stoked would be an understatement. I also worked with Sam, putting together a Funding Application to cover further promotion and growth of the Association.

Tuesday night saw me addressing the Nth Shore, Bethell’s and Wanderers Clubs out in Milford. A great night and many thanks to these clubs for the invitation and turning out. One thing I addressed was the matter of Regional representation and I am very keen that this becomes part of our network. The Executive are looking for someone to take on this role in each of five regions. Northern, Auckand, Central, West Coast and Wellington, which will include our South Island Club Canterbury. Those Reps will liase with clubs within those regions, promote the ACA to non affiliated clubs and report back to the Executive. Think about it and please take it up. We are continuing to grow and we need these outreaches in place. 

Thursday through to Sunday saw me in Tauranga representing the NZACA at the NZ Sport Fishing Council’s AGM/Conference. Once again, I cannot speak highly enough of the acceptance and respect we are shown here. We hold our place. I must also acknowledge the NZSFC’s Fisheries Management sub Committee. This team is so proffesional in all that pertains to fisheries management and it is with pride that I take a seat at these meetings on your behalf. I will be/am looking for someone to step into this space.

While at this conference, I had the opportunity to hear Dr Randall Bess’s presentation on “Our Future Catch” Most of you will have read my views on this. I have mellowed a little but retain a strong view on licensing. Not because of what it represents so much but how it will be used to benefit us. It wont!!  Apart from that, the push for a “Peak Body”, that recreational fishers are responsible for the lack of stock, ok a couple of other issues, I am confident we are all seeking the same outcome, an abundant, sustainable inshore fishery. I have the luxury of hearing Bess again this Thursday.

Once again, I am available to speak to your club and likewise, I will tow our trailer anywhere and hold a casting event if you have somewhere to stretch the nylon.

Just a little thing to finish off. Leadership is not about imposing your beliefs on those you represent, leadership is about allowing them to hear from all sides and if they want it, your guidance.

Awesome to be representing you out there but it is great to be home

Tight lines

Jim Yeoman


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