
Hi everyone,

Myself and those of my Executive take the issue of communication very seriously and it frustrates us, me especially, when we go out of our way to address the distribution of news and updates of what is happening within the association to our members, we continue to get negative feedback because we do not send information out in hardcopy. It is the new age. Our messages and news is distributed in this fashion.

  1. To all Secretaries via email. Clubs responsibility to ensure we have the correct contact and details
  2. Next day via the NZACA Website
  3. Then via the Facebook page

Re 2 & 3. There are several members from each club who have access to these media outlets who are more than capable of taking any relevant info back to their respective clubs.

There is no acceptance by this Executive that clubs are not being informed. Likewise, any issues or questions that any club may have, will be addressed as quickly as is possible but a response within 24 hours, if it is sent to or emailed to the Secretary ( or myself (

Both Brent and myself check our emails at least twice per day.

Continuing to work for the betterment of our members

Jim Yeoman


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