Executive meeting

While I will leave the detail of our Executive meeting to the Secretary, there are some pieces of fantastic news to share.

Firstly, I was humbled to receive a donation of $250 from the Feilding Surfcasting Club in acknowledgement of the work that we are putting in to take the NZACA out to the wider communities. I cannot express my gratitude enough for this gift and recognition. Thank you so much Feilding.

Secondly. We were successful and have received a Grant that will also enable us to continue with our work on engagement more comfortably. This funding of $5000 along with OKuma, our new Sponsors cash on the table of $3000 and the contribution from Feilding has been reward for the time and effort that has been put in to grow the NZACA.

With many organisations struggling to hold their numbers, three and a half years ago with nine clubs to the twenty seven we have today and one more to be confirmed, we are an exception. Not only that but we have been instrumental in creating the largest combined Recreational group of inshore ocean users. We have aligned with the NZ Sport Fishing Council and have a place at the table of their lobby group LegaSea. We have taken our place at Submission meetings, have contributed to those submissions and have our Logo at the head of some of the most comprehensive submissions put to Government. We are at the table when discussing our fisheries and the management of them with Ministry and we will continue to involve ourselves in all matters of fishery management. Investment is valuable and in time it brings rewards. We are starting to reconise and receive that.

I must make mention of a concern. With the work of Dr Randall Bess and the NZ Initiative regarding the future of our fisheries and the mangement of, one issue that has or is raising its ugly head. Yes, I agree there is a need for a peak body representing Recreational fishers but I cannot accept all these entities, several of which have been in the wilderness or statutorially defunct for years, that are now crawling out of the woodwork and putting their hands up. A mistake and typical of our sector. It cannot work with this attitude. There are two leaders, the NZ Sport Fishing Council and the NZ Angling & Casting Association. Whatever has been thrown our way we are there and have been continuously for over 60years. Nothing else come close. I am not saying that either of us need to be the “Peak Body” but we must be involved in deciding who takes any chair. It must not be a decission made outside our sector

In saying that, if your club is not affiliated to either, then it needs to happen. You have two choices, have a voice or take what you are given. If you are not a member of a club, join one and join one affiliated to one of the two national bodies. Make it happen.


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