
Another two very positive meetings in the big smoke. First up with the NZ Sport Fishing Council’s Fisheries Management Sub Committee followed by the LegaSea Board meeting. As the NZ Angling & Casting Rep to these, I always come away with huge positivity. I will continue to promote the professionalism that both of these groups demonstrate. It is a huge pleasure to be involved. The next set of Submissions to be put forward are regarding Tarakihi. This is another species that is showing a decline in numbers that is highly concerning. The other issue raising its head is the Crayfish Concession in area 3. This needs to go.

If your Club is a member of the NZ Angling & Casting Association then it is involved in supporting the placement of these solid and substantial Submissions that are leading in the management of our fisheries. It is also supporting LegaSea.
Two ways the Angling & Casting Association is standing up for its members

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