
To all our Casters and those others who would like to participate.
We are casting this coming weekend in Rotorua, 14th – 15th July. There have been some changes. We wont be continuing the Okuma 6×6 Challenge at this point. We have had some good feedback regarding this and while one would have thought it would surround the limited numbers who could take this out, this is not the leading issue. Cost of travel and accommodation involved to attend six events is the biggest matter affecting those interested in participating.
So we need to re evaluate how we run this event as there are many who are keen to make this happen. Also we owe it to Okuma to keep their name promoted.
Saturday we are wanting to offer tuition to anyone wanting to learn better technique even if it is just for your fishing and then on Sunday we will get into some good old throwing lead long distances down the court.
Everyone is welcome, even if it is to take a peek at what “Lead Heads” do

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