News & Chat

NZACA News & Chat.


As we await the Ministers decision on how heavy the TAC cuts to the Tarakihi Fishery, I felt it was time to let you all know just what we have been doing and what is happening.

Firstly we have been heavily involved in discussions surrounding the serious demise in the Tarakihi stocks. It is sitting below what is called the soft limit, ie 13% of its accepted Biomass. A very unsatisfactory situation. On behalf of our members, I have attended three presentations and two discussion meetings where I put forward points of view and made it quite clear that it is a failure of those managing our Fisheries and also Industry, who should be monitoring their resources. This is a slap in the face for the current TV advert from Industry which says “with our new technology we know how many fish there are”

We have allied with our peers in presenting a very robust and comprehensive submission. I have written to the Minister and we have submitted a joint letter also to the Minister.


This is a sad indictment on both Fisheries NZ and Industry when considering the massive cut of 80% in the Rock Lobster TACC in Cray2 recently and now this. We are asking for a minimum of 65% cut.


This is to be ongoing as there are some 12 inshore stocks that are in decline.


The recent decision by the Courts to revoke the license for Seabed Mining off the Taranaki Coast is a huge win for all of us. Once again we stepped up and though our part may have been small, we were there.


Here in Hawkes Bay, I have been very active in working towards a better decision surrounding the dumping of 3 million cubic meters of spoil only 1.6nm south east of Pania Reef. The Port of Napier are wishing to expand and have recently had their Consent hearing to which I spoke against their proposal. I felt I presented well and have had several complimentary messages from others against this. We are all for expansion but not at the cost of our inshore ecology.


I am also very actively involved in the HB Marine & Coastal Group. This group is leading the way in New Zealand in its manner and success by bringing all entities, that share our inshore, together, to create a well managed eco system from the ranges out to the 12nm limit with the understanding that only by doing this can we have an abundant healthy and sustainable fishery that is beneficial to all. What has been achieved here is remarkable and I put it to you all that you need to engage with your Councils and implement a similar entity. The Marlborough Sounds Regional Council has recently set up a similar group and we are being followed by several other Councils as well as at Government level.


On the Home Front:

A very interesting evening was had when I spoke to the Feilding Surfcasting Club.

Many were surprised at the level of advocacy work being undertaken on behalf of our membership. Yes it is right up there and we engage at the highest level. We are requested to participate and many would be surprised at what, where, who and when.


It was my pleasure to attend the Wellington Surfcasting & Angling Clubs Prize Giving. I was there to present a NZACA Life member Award to Jim O’Brien. A man, whom in my opinion, deserved this recognition many years ago. However perhaps in this case it was left so that I could have the Honours of bestowing this prestigious Award on him. Jim, along with Gordon and Betty Jones are very worthy recipients of life membership to the NZACA.


Absolutely fantastic to have an affiliated club in the eastern BOP again. While it is my belief that clubs need to look further than their doors when offering representation to their members, it is also beneficial for growth. Larger and of more benefit than that, it gives those who are engaging at the next level more solidarity and strength. I was hugely appreciative of the members of the Rotorua Fishing & Casting Club for allowing me to share their day and for giving me the opportunity to address them. Welcome, it is great to have you back supporting the NZACA.


It was with a very aching heart that I shared the news of the passing of Karla Tardieu. Karla was the Senior Vice President up until she received the news of her cancer. To say she was my rock is an understatement. She gave me the strength and the will to take this organisation back to the relevant representative body it has become. We stand as tall and equal to all our peers and we are participating at every level for our membership. We are the fastest growing organisation in New Zealand. I watched quietly as Karla fought a great battle and drew strength from her will to give everything she had to her family in the time given to her. She will be missed.


In two weeks I will be attending the NZ Sport Fishing Councils AGM in Auckland and this time I will have the support of Derrick Paull. It is important that this liaison with the Sport Fishing Council remains positive and engaging and it is important to have someone to follow in my footsteps.  It is important to our growth and it is imperative for the ongoing protection of our inshore fisheries and our rights to feed our families.


Casting: The following weekend will see me in Rotorua for another NZACA Casting event.

These are once again growing in attendance with Casters from all around the North Island joining us.


Affiliation Fees: I am aware that clubs are unable to access their data base. We are working to solve this issue and are halfway there. In the meantime if Secretaries go to our Website  and click on Annual Subscriptions the relevant info is there for paying. Club Secretaries should know their membership numbers and criteria. While I am on the subject, we are overhauling our Website. So much has been cleaned out now it is time to bring all the outdated details up to date. This is being done at very minimal cost especially when considering some prices that have been going around.


Nationals: These are well in hand and our Committee is doing a great job. In a couple of weeks some of the Nationals Committee are heading to the far north to finalise the details up there and when they return they will be sending out all the necessary info to clubs. Look out for it as this is going to be worth being there.


Well that is it from me. The year is flying by very fast but engagement and fisheries management doesn’t stop. There are clubs out there that I will be chasing up and there are clubs who need to archive history and think about who is actively working for their rights and their fisheries. You need to support these efforts. The door is open and all I ask is the chance to be heard.

Take care and tight lines


Jim Yeoman







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