News & Chat

NZACA News & Chat


Hello to all of you at this time. We are closing in on Christmas at an alarming rate. Just where has the year gone?


Along with my colleagues, I have just spent one of my most intensive days of negotiations with the Port of Napier. Acting for the Angling & Casting Assoc, Pania Surfcasting Club and LegaSea HB, I joined my colleagues to achieve some resolution to several issues surrounding the Consent. Our intention was to Appeal the Port of Napier’s Consent for Extensions but at this point we have received a Letter of Intent signed by the CEO’s of the Port and Regional Council and this will allow for us to have agreements put in place to protect the existing environment including Pania and Town Reef’s during the expansion process.


Two weeks ago I travelled to Auckland for the NZSFC Fisheries Management Committee meeting. Another very constructive meeting and many issues regarding allocation, Ministerial decisions and the future of our inshore stocks were discussed. We live in a very unique time when considering our fisheries. For many, many years the recreational fisher has said that our fisheries cannot sustain the continual abuse and reckless commercial effort and for just as long we have been rebuffed. By Industry and indeed those charged with managing the resource. Well now it is all come home to roost. Some 14 of our inshore fisheries are under threat, some below the soft limit whereby they should be closed. Why aren’t they, well it isn’t entirely because of Industry Leaders but as much because of NZ Firsts, Shane Jones and Winston Peters. What we are witnessing is sad. It is as we knew it would be.


I would like to spend a little time on our Annual Trophies. It is my wish to see more of them given out but to do that I need more participation in attempting to achieve. Each has a challenge and these are detailed in the Online Manual. Have a crack Nigel. While I am at it the “Masters Award” is also there for those willing to give it a go. It is a test of your fishing prowess.


I have received the latest Newsletter regarding the AAA Nationals in Australia and they are attached to this. These are being held in Sept 2019. Have a look at the programme and maybe we can get a team over there again.


We are Casting again at the Rotorua racing Club on the 8th & 9th Dec. Casting will start around 10.30 with Saturday being for those looking for tuition and training.


Our Okuma Nationals Committee have done an awesome job of preparing the 2019 Nationals. Clubs and Fishers will have the opportunity of fishing the mecca for Surfcasters and it would be awesome to have representatives of all our clubs competing. We are offering some minor incentives but the real reason to be there is to challenge for the right to be called “Top Club” I am looking forward to being back in the far north and wetting a line with you all.


The Website is slowly but surely being bought up to date. Apologies but we are doing this in house and saving some considerable cost by doing so. I think we have all relevant contact details on there now.


Lastly and I know I keep harping on but!!! The NZACA is facing an issue that needs to be addressed sooner rather than at the devils moment. My role as President ends at the 2019 AGM under the Constitution. It was hoped that a clear successor would be being introduced to the role by now but the reality is no one has put there hand up. I have a great supportive Executive Committee who do a lot behind the scenes but all have indicated there is no desire to take up the Presidents role.

We have a very strong organisation that stands alongside all its peers and has the due relevance and respect it should. We can’t lose that. Some decisions by the membership as to how we overcome this situation is needed. I will not allow the NZACA to be leaderless. I am more than happy to continue the advocacy role if someone will accept being the figurehead but I also assure everyone I will continue as President if that is how the members see it. If that is the case, I will need to see some measure of succession put in place. Either way the choices need to be made quickly. Nationals and the AGM are only a little over 2 months away.


Tight Lines


Jim Yeoman



Remember, you are all part of the Recreational Fishing Industry’s  1 Billion Dollar annual return to the Governments coffers. We earn our right to be represented.

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