Hi everyone, Time to bring you up to speed.
At our recent meeting the Executive moved to shift enough money over to our Investment Fund to bring it up to $15000.00. We also Donated $2000.00 to LegaSea. This Donation was for two solid reasons. Firstly, in recognition of the support in securing a $5000 Grant and the support, which is ongoing, in gaining our Financial Sponsorship from Okuma. Secondly this is also in support of “Rescue Fish” the alternative to the QMS. We have been involved and stand with our peers in asking for change. I must stress these have only been achievable because of the work we are doing holding up our end of Fisheries Management.
This leaves the Association with approx $10,000 in our cash reserves. We also have approx $15000.00 in actual Assets. The NZ Angling & Casting Association is in a good state today.
On Thursday last week, we stood proud along side our Peers in the launch of “Rescue Fish”. This has been some time in the making but it is my belief it is the way to go. It will be for the betterment and reward of everyone who partakes in our inshore fisheries. I ask you to read everything, understand it and please sign the petition.. We have an opportunity to save what is ours.
With regard to my local fishery. We have proven that with co operation of local Commercial fishers the inshore can become what it was in a very short time. Hawkes Bay is enjoying very good fishing from shore again. Also in conjunction with the Port of Napier’s Fisheries Management Group, LegaSea HB and the Port, Hawkes Bay will gain three Artificial Reefs. All of these achievements are the result of bringing those Parties affected to the table. I am proud to have been involved in each of these. To have stepped up for the NZACA, have our relevance recognised and accepted and to have assisted in bringing such positive results to fruition is very humbling.
My next challenge is rebuilding the Bay of Plenty Fishery. Using the people I have already worked with within the Commercial Sector, I am confident we will bring some positivity and results that will return this awesome region back to what it was. Feeding our Whanau is paramount and anything less is unacceptable.
We will be Casting in Rotorua again later in June. We have had so many join our Facebook page, I am feeling really good that we are heading down the right pathway in making this a great sport to be involved in. Look for the NZACA Distance Casting Club page on Facebook for dates. We make these weekends value for money so come and join an absolutely friendly group of people out to assist you in becoming a better caster and fisher.
Meanwhile, enjoy wetting a line. Enjoy the company of your fellow fishers and appreciate the fish you land on the beach or boat.